1) Show your passport to the scary-looking cop at the door
2) Receive a plastic bracelet indicating that you are of legal drinking age
3) Proceed to the designated drinking area, get a beer
4) Sip it quietly while watching the jealous faces of those who are denied entrance into the Halls of Glory, unable to decide whether to feel stupid or special
5) DO NOT (!!!) leave the designated area with your beer cup, or else you will be dragged back by your collar.
Apart from these college activities, we explored Boston despite the rainy and cold weather on Saturday, ate some lobster and fudge (not together, I must add) and walked part of the Freedom Trail.

Fun on and around campus
Exploring Boston
The academically most impressive experience of the week was a meeting with Prof. Taylor, who specializes in entrepreneurship, specifically social entrepreneurship. Not only did she take time to talk to me for more than an hour, she was also genuinely interested in my thoughts and made a huge effort to go through ideas and options for my thesis with me. In Austria, no professor talks to you for such a long time, unless they have a personal interest. I am seeing the benefits of American education.
On the "downside", I think I've found out where our housing and tuition money is going. Last week's "What's up Wednesday" was advertised as "Make Your Own Fishtank Night". I didn't go, but a couple of hundred freshmen did. The college gave away free goldfish, tanks, and all the gadgets that go with them. Now that is what I call an efficient use of my money. It made a tank full of Nemos very happy this week.
Hey! it looks like you are having lots of fun already -and that you've already made lots of friends! Just got back from India, it was really great. Hopefully I'll post the pictures soon. Stay tuned...
hello mag! habe beschlossen nach paris zu gehen,- trotz meiner momentanen, wie soll ichs nennen, stimmungsschwankungen. ist einfach besser so, und obwohl ich ziemlich schiss habe, freue ich mich sehr. MUSS dich aber unbedingt besuchen kommen, campus life scheint ja awesome zu sein. bei deinen photocollagen kann man eigentlich jedes mal einen hotguy-award vergeben, winner this time: erste collage, unten rechts. be a good girl... bussis, marie
verdammt, ich meine natürlich unten links : )
ja, der ist definitely h-ooooo-t!
hmmmm... du scheinst's echt cool zu haben... ich will auch...!!! bussis
maedels, freu mich ja dass euch die maenner so gut gefallen, aber ihr muesst euch bissl zurueckhalten, denn a) eine von euch ist verlobt und b) eine von euch kommt mich besuchen, und nachdem hier einige den blog lesen wird das gefaehrlich...
freu mich aber ueber eure comments!
naja, deshalb schreibe ich ja deutsch- oder so. und ausserdem zählen ja nur die inneren werte...-oder so. ausserdem will ich ja nur groupie von anthony kiedis werden, und solange der nicht auf deinem campus ist besteht keine gefahr. bussis!!!!!!!!
Lenita, ich liebe einfach Deine Eintraege. Es ist auch interessant, die Gesichter zu den Eryaehlungen zu kennen. Unglaublich, wie anders ein Studentenleben dort aussieht... Hoffe, bald wieder zu tel.
xx p
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