Between figuring out basic campus survival rules (like, don't stick your favorite jeans or delicate T-shirts into the dryer if you want them to fit afterwards), making friends, good old homework, classes, group meetings, and the odd bit of fun, there hardly seems to be a minute that I am actually idle.
Again, I need to incorporate a list of highlights into this post for the sake of brevity.
Almost Famous. Last Saturday, Montse and I went downtown to meet Meaghan for a bit of Latin dancing at Havana Club in Boston. It turned out that MTV was shooting an episode of Made at the club that night, so if you look carefully, you might be able to see a little Spanish girl and a tall Austrian girl samba-, mambo- and bachata-ing in the background.
Rudderless on the Charles. Four men and a lady in a canoe - sounds like Pocahontas, minus the rowing skills. While we were happily zig-zagging from bank to bank, we rammed nearly all Harvard Rowing Team boats that were training on the Charles River. "Keep to the right hand side!" was about the nicest comment we got.

Academic tidbits. Wrote my first-ever philosophy paper: "Pity or Power - The view of human nature at the heart of Berlin's concepts of freedom". It required me to wreck my brain like I had never done before. There is just no way you can wing it when your work will be subject to the merciless scrutiny of a philosopher. They might say there's no money in philosophy, but there's definitely a lot more brain than in business.
On the not-so-nerdy side: When going through one of his assignments with Francesco last night, I had a good laugh at the Italian way of using metaphors even in a business context. On business incubators: "The group should have evaluated venture proposals by identifying the seeds, nurturing them as long as necessary, and eventually sometimes spinning them off. They had to hatch the eggs, as an incubator should do. It’s not so easy like for a chicken." And a couple of lines down: "So we can consider this a great move in order to hatch the egg, because from the egg should arise a new chicken."
On the not-so-nerdy side: When going through one of his assignments with Francesco last night, I had a good laugh at the Italian way of using metaphors even in a business context. On business incubators: "The group should have evaluated venture proposals by identifying the seeds, nurturing them as long as necessary, and eventually sometimes spinning them off. They had to hatch the eggs, as an incubator should do. It’s not so easy like for a chicken." And a couple of lines down: "So we can consider this a great move in order to hatch the egg, because from the egg should arise a new chicken."
Plans for the weekend. Monday is Columbus Day, so I am taking off for yet another long weekend. Saturday and Sunday we'll go to upstate NY to do some hiking in the Beaverkill Valley, and the rest of the weekend is yet to be determined.
sounds like a brilliant weekend. Gotta love having a whole new batch of holiday weekends to enjoy!
Time flies... tell me about it! I've been in Vienna for almost a year.
By the way, Columbus Day is a good day to celebrate: it's the Spanish national holiday (I'm sure you already know that), although we celebrate it on the 12th, which is the actual date when Columbus discovered America, and we call it Día de la Hispanidad, or Día del Pilar, Spain's saint patron (it's also the day of Santa Pilar). So there! :)
I'll be looking out for you on MTV. Oh, and keep up the good rowing!
beaverkill valley schaut GENIAL aus!!! und verhungern lassen sie dich nicht ;-))
ganz dickes bussi (nicht ärgern...),
Mäuslein, ich hab es irgendwie fertiggebracht, alle meine Kontakte zu löschen, daher weiß ich auch Deine email nicht. Wollte Dir nur sagen, daß wir morgen via Schenna, wo wir die Omama deponieren, nach Venedig fahren und ich erst Fr nachmittag wieder zuhause bin, für dringende Fälle gelten die Handys. Freue mich, daß Du es so lustig hast, hoffentlich war auch das weekend ein voller Erfolg und Du kannst jetzt wieder mit Volldampf arbeiten! Dickes Bussi, Deine Mami
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