When I arrived on the good old Chinatown bus on Thursday, I dragged my two super-heavy suitcases into a cab and went up to the Austrian Mission to the UN, where my aunt works. I was introduced to the entire office and found that I know the families of two of the employees there! I was feb Austrian pastries and we later got a ride in the ambassador's car up to where my aunt lives. When I emailed my father about it, his only reply was: "Don't get used to it. This is not how things usually work." I know, dad. But it seems like everything has been working out incredibly well so far! I am a lucky lady, and I better show myself worthy of all this good fortune.
That night, while I was having dinner I ran into a girl I randomly met in Pittsburgh while I was visiting Christian. She is the girlfriend of his next-door neighbor, and she is a waitress at that restaurant! I couldn't believe how small the world is.
Other NY activities included overhearing two comedy show producers discussing their concepts over coffee while I was having breakfast in an Upper East Side Bakery, lunch in K(orea)-Town with Meaghan and Dennis who also came over from Boston, a little Christmas sightseeing at the Rockefeller Center and Macy's Department Store on 34th Street, Starbucks with Scott, and a little Christmas (window) shopping in SoHo.
As I am taking off tomorrow and will probably be without an internet connection for a while, I wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas, good times with your loved ones, and some peace and quiet to think about what it this miracle means that actually happened two thousand years ago. I will be without my family for the first time this year, but instead of being sad, I am more grateful than ever to have each and every one of them in my life. There's nothing like a family to keep you grounded, inspire you, help you along, annoy the heck out of you, and love you to pieces. And I've realized that it is the greatest Christmas gift of all to call such a family my own.
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