But, as the say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Pia and I are no slackers, so we went and cooked up a fantastic meal for our two favorite men (and perpetual hosts, it seems) in the city. We did the Full Monty: shiny red heart garlands hanging from the chandelier, candles, a fire in the fireplace, and some fine Paolo Conte playing in the background.
The menu.
Aperitivo: Bite-sized Bratwurst bits with a heart-shaped dijon mustard dip by the fireplace, with a glass of Riesling.
Ouverture: Grilled goat cheese on a bed of baby spinach leaves, drizzled with honey.
Main course: Linguine with grilled shrimps, zucchini and cherry tomatoes in a sauce of capers, garlic, parmesan and olive oil.
Interlude: A vicious snowball fight on the roof terrace, waltz lessons in front of the fireplace, and Frank Sinatra sing-alongs.
Grande Finale: Kaiserschmarren with apple sauce and a good, hot cup of tea.
I think we feel better about each other now, St.Valentine and I.
hahaha!!! super! wir haben diesen valentinstag liebesbriefe von gott an die menschen am rochusmarkt verteilt (der brief bestand nur aus bibelzitaten!) und am abend einen barmherzigkeitsabend mit schnulze-musik und zeugnissen gehabt. auch schön. [dein liebes-dinner hätte mich aber auch gelockt ;-) ]
LOL! you caught me in the middle of some experimenting with the design of my blog... lots of changes in my life lately. Will send you all my contact details in Spain, but I do hope you use them when you come visit! or we can meet somewhere else in the globe, whatever suits you best! :) hope all is well in the big apple. besos
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