Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm home

Back to the city of Käsekrainer, coffee houses, horse carriages, church bells, bakeries, grumpy waiters, and slow pace. The place where walking for five minutes actually gets you someplace. Where your cup of coffee comes with a complimentary glass of water and a silver spoon. Where you can live on thirty euros for almost a week. And where no one wears sweats.

Yet, I am missing things.

The buzz. Skyscrapers. Sushi. Food deliveries. Warm, fuzzy towels fresh from the dryer. Central Park. Diversity. Lights and colors. Ziploc bags. Paying by credit card. Grand Central Station. Dog walkers. Smiles. The sea. Yellow cabs. Conversations with strangers. Free refills. Fireplaces. Friends.

What I don't miss:

Coffee in paper cups. Having your check slammed down the second you swallow your last bite. Overcrowded subways. Trash. Paying for received calls. Dodging deadly umbrellas on crowded sidewalks when it rains. Smoke detectors. Doors that lock "the wrong way". The things they call bread. Taxes. Skim milk.

Funny how it takes a while until home feels like home.


Maria said...

Welcome back to this side of the ocean!

Unknown said...

welcome back dahhhhhhhling! war soooo schön dich gestern zu sehen, und ich freue mich schon auf einen ausgedehnten tratsch heute abend. bussis, m

Anonymous said...

it's tremendously true cara mag, it takes a while until you feel home at all again, it often happens to me when I come back to Palermo from Milan!
you're right, as almost always, jeje, un beso