Tuesday, April 29, 2008


It's been too long - but to be honest, life has become a little too full for regular posts.
Still, here's a quick update.

- The job. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. It's a rollercoaster, but I am finding my way, and it's an exciting challenge.
- The city. Munich doesn't have the same old-fashioned charme that I love about Vienna, but there's a reason it is called Italy's northernmost city. It's got a bit of everything: Art & Music, Architecture, beautiful green spaces, BIKE LANES everywhere, hip bars, funky little stores, and diverse neighborhoods. I miss my home, but I like it here!
- The boyfriend. He caught me by surprise, but it's definitely been the best surprise so far.
- The place. Turning my 26 m2 gigantic room into a home took a while, but I love it now. It's got everything from a comfy bed to a sunny breakfast area, and I can hear the birds chirping while I munch on my cornflakes in the morning.
- Bedtime habits. It turns out I love to sleep. And I need to sleep - a lot. Ever since I've started working, there's nothing better than an early night with a good book. I'm getting old.

All in all, life's been pretty exciting for the past three months. And I do not intend for this fact to change anytime soon!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fishy Valentine

Yes, I've arrived in Munich. Yes, I've started a job. And yes, I love it. But life's too full and busy (and good) to document it all here. That's why, for today, I leave you with one of my favorite comic strips. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Long-term love

At first, we were only acquaintances. I ran into her every couple of years, thought she was more of the snobbish, stand-offish type. She was quite the stunner, but pretty rough 'round the edges.

Then, I got to know her from the inside. I discovered all kinds of hidden qualities - amazing cooking skills, a great taste in art and music, and her style wasn't too shabby either. Also, she kept surprising me with new sides of her personality. I had come to know her as the classic type, a bit old-fashioned maybe, with a touch of kitsch. But as the years went by, she turned out to be quite diverse - sometimes elegant and poised, sometimes loud and sassy, sometimes hectic, and sometimes completely serene.

Today, me and Vienna are tight. I know her well, and I've discovered her most beautiful facets. I know that she will continue developing and evolving, but at the same time it's comforting to know that regardless of where life will lead me, she'll always remain essentially the same, waiting for me with a cup of steaming hot chocolate, the sounds of hooves on cobblestone, and her grumpy charme.

And on a day like today, when I walk through her back allies and majestic boulevards, along breathtaking buildings and all kinds of beauty, she makes me fall in love with her all over again.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Done, done, and done!

Just turned 92 pages of wisdom in to my professor - the result of seven months of work. Amy says it feels like giving birth through your head ... I'd rather attribute the woozy feeling in my brain to the massive cold that hit me right at the end of a month-long nonstop cramming session.

So, lets recap, shall we?

Masters thesis ... check.
Job ... check.
Pearly-white, brace-less teeth ... check.
Apartment ... working on it.
Farewell party ... in the making.

The new year has started well. I've had no time for the obligatory 2007 review / 2008 preview post, but there is still hope.

Ten days until I move to Munich. Somehow life is pretty exciting.