Tuesday, April 29, 2008


It's been too long - but to be honest, life has become a little too full for regular posts.
Still, here's a quick update.

- The job. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. It's a rollercoaster, but I am finding my way, and it's an exciting challenge.
- The city. Munich doesn't have the same old-fashioned charme that I love about Vienna, but there's a reason it is called Italy's northernmost city. It's got a bit of everything: Art & Music, Architecture, beautiful green spaces, BIKE LANES everywhere, hip bars, funky little stores, and diverse neighborhoods. I miss my home, but I like it here!
- The boyfriend. He caught me by surprise, but it's definitely been the best surprise so far.
- The place. Turning my 26 m2 gigantic room into a home took a while, but I love it now. It's got everything from a comfy bed to a sunny breakfast area, and I can hear the birds chirping while I munch on my cornflakes in the morning.
- Bedtime habits. It turns out I love to sleep. And I need to sleep - a lot. Ever since I've started working, there's nothing better than an early night with a good book. I'm getting old.

All in all, life's been pretty exciting for the past three months. And I do not intend for this fact to change anytime soon!