Thursday, June 28, 2007


Between preparations for weddings, attempts at researching for the thesis, and spending time with my personal V.I.P.s, there isn't a lot of blogging time.
We spent a spectacular weekend up in the mountains at my uncle Fritz's place a couple of weeks back, but all designated photographers have to far been unable to download and distribute the pictures. There's still hope that I will be able to post a few breathtaking photos from our hike and the evenings of Schnaps-drinking, card-playing, dancing and accordeon-playing in Fritz's living room very soon.

For now I leave you with a spectacular gift idea for people who just don't want to believe that life is beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wo steckst du, wie geht's dir?? muss ich mich sorgen? kein blog mehr? nichts mehr erlebt? oder zuviel?
bussi, andrea