Friday, October 12, 2007

Right Brain vs. Left Brain

This is creepy. For a long time I stared at the dancer as it was turning clockwise, and didn't understand how anyone could see it turning counter-clockwise. Then I focused, and it switched!

So, apparently I use more of the right side of my brain, which has the following functions:

uses feeling -- check.
"big picture" oriented -- check.
imagination rules -- hmm ... check.
symbols and images -- check.
present and future -- mostly, check.
philosophy & religion -- check, indeed.
can "get it" (i.e. meaning) -- check.
believes -- check.
appreciates -- check.
spatial perception -- most definitely NOT. Ask anyone who's watched me park a car.
knows object function -- ??
fantasy based -- Don't know.
presents possibilities -- impossibilities, mostly.
impetuous -- check.
risk taking -- Not really.

Interesting... it pretty much hits the nail on the head. The one left-brain thing missing on my list is "words and language".

Which way did the dancer turn for you?
(Thanks to mydogischelsea for the link)


- said...

freeks me out! but it works both ways, amazing!

Togenberg said...

Two days ago it went counter-clockwise then today it is clockwise (but not within a day). Am I of two brains? LOL

Anonymous said...

liebe magdalena, beim ersten mal gings mir genz genauso wie dir. und wenn ich jetzt spontan aufmache drehts sichs immer links...also spontan links! konzentriert erst rechts dann links.... bussi, andrea