Friday, May 25, 2007

Arabian nights

Picture a harem chamber somewhere in the depths of an Arabian city. The rhythm of pipes and drums, the swinging of coin belt-adorned hips, hands painted with henna, dimmed lights and the smell of shisha smoke, perfume and camel dung.

This was the setting of Nono's bachelorette party, which went down in our living-room-turned-serail yesterday. There were mountains of food, harem pants, beaded slippers, bare bellies, and a lot of shimmying and hip-shaking. Two harem teams were fighting for camels, which they needed to collect in order to earn the right to get married to Sheikh Dominic (Nono's fiance). The battle was fierce, and there was some haggling in the background, but they fought well and "Harem Aruus Al Nono" won the prize for the bride-to-be. We even had a eunuch to serve us drinks and work the video camera, but his identity will be kept a secret for the sake of his male reputation. All I can say is, he stood his ground like the real man that he is (and he is, don't you worry). [Pictures and videos are still being edited, but expect some fun shots in the near future.]

In other news:
  • The move still isn't finished, mainly because my bed, wardrobe and desk don't fit into my car. However, chances are that I will be a citizen of Skypad II within the next week.
  • Anna has returned from India, loaded with bangles, beaded slippers and beautiful fabrics of all sizes and colors. I am realizing that after nine months, it is good to have my sister around again. The stories will take a while to tell, but I am looking forward.
  • Pentecost weekend will be spent at the Mill with the family, a guest from Portugal and Bridge, a friend from the States who is in Vienna for two months. The weather is great and I can't wait to get away from the humidity and the construction noise.
  • I PASSED MY LAST EXAM! Just barely made it, but it's over, and now there is only the thesis left to write. Oh, it feels good.

1 comment:

Maria said...

A big CONGRATULATIONS on passing your last exam!! It must be such a relief... now all you have left is your thesis, coser y cantar :)

Besos from rainy Madrid