Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wackin' down the pins

We're foreigners. Right? We need to be introduced to American culture. Right? Right.
Braving temperatures in the low twenties (Fahrenheit, which means below zero Centigrade), Reagan, Brooke, Lysiane, Forbes and I spent the evening at the bowling alley. And it's not just any bowling alley - it's full-blown disco bowling, visuals and all. Which, of course, doesn't keep bowling leagues in their oh-so-stylish shirts from showing off their talent there.
The only thing I wondered is ... why do you need videos of scantily clad women movin' to the beats to distract you from scoring a strike? (I, for my part, chose to ignore them. And I did score a strike... though I tend to think it was more of an accident.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:-( ich seh immer erst Tage später deine blogs... keine ahnung wieso... auf jeden fall: SOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!! ich freu mich voll für dich!!!! tja, wie immer hält die vorsehung einfach das beste für einen parat - viel besser, als man es selbst planen würde!! :-) Dickes adventliches Apfel-Zimt-Vanille-Bussi, Deine Nono